Few years back, when my mother had to undergo a cataract surgery here, I left the entire responsibility of my 2 daughters, my aging father and my whole house to 2 of my closest friends in Mumbai. It helped that we were also neighbours.
Without hesitation I could leave my daughters in their care, knowing they would be very well looked after. My friends here have been my support, my strength and my cheer leaders. Without them in my life, this city would not be the same.
Today, on Friendship Day, I just want to say thank you, to all my friends, for all the love you have unconditionally given me. I am indeed blessed that you are a part of my life.
And the online friends that I have made since I started blogging, what can I say?
You all have been my sunshine when I needed light, and my shade when I needed soothing. I simply can not imagine my life without you. So take care everyone and stay connected.
God bless you all.
where have you been??Have been missing you!! Happy Friendship Day Bulbuldidi!
Very happy friendship day. And my sincere wish to all your such good friends.
though I am pretty new to your blog, but still couldn't help wishing "happy friendships day" :)
Very nice post!! Wishing you a very happy day.. Picture is nice..
Great!! Life without friends is like the soul is missing..
Aww that was a touchy post from you..sobs. Happy Friendship day to you too Bulbul didi...hmmm...I like the sound of this :)
Lovely little picture and a great post. Happy Friendship day to you too, Aparna.
Hi Aparna,
HFD to u too!
The pic with the masks is great. Which one did u buy?
Aww that picture is So cute. Thanks for thinking about all of us Bulbul didi :)
Hi Sujata, have been at home taking care of Ishita. She has a bad case of flu. Just didnt have time to read any posts.Happy friendship day to you!
Pradipda, thank you and same to you.
Neha, hi, happy friendship day to you too.
Swatantra, hi! Life without friends is unimaginable. Have fun. Cheers.
Sakshi, my parents named me Bulbul as I talked non-stop. Grew out of that habit but the name stuck. You should ask Sujata what she is called by her family!! Happy friendship day to you too. How come you are net surfing on a Sunday?
Hi Corinne, a very happy friendship day to you. Thanks a lot. I just love that pic and could not help putting it up.
Hi EISI, I bought a pink one. May be I will put that up one day, who knows? A happy friendship day to you too!
SJ, you are welcome. The moment I saw Sujata's comment I knew this was coming. So please go bug her about her name. Her's is more interesting.
Hey...lots of love and warm hugs from me...
HFD from me as well :) Wishing you the close friends life long !!
awesome pix..great message...reciprocating...wishes..
Wishing you a very happy friendship day too !!
You dont choose your parents nor your relatives but what u choose is friends...true friends are shadow of God according to me as u can rely on them n be assured that they will guide u to the correct path n not the wrong path.
Having a true friend is priceless!!!
wish you Ditto-ditto the same. TC:)
HFD to u. Thanks for the wishes. Friends are a wonderful part of our lives!
Wishing you a very happy friendship day, belatedly.
It is very lucky to have some friends like you had in Bombay.There are times when one misses such friends.Anyway,happy friendship day to all.
Happy Friendships Day dear :-)
Last week when somebody had asked me "when is Friendships Day" I had said, everyday!!! :-)
Happy Friendship Day to you too :)
wish you a very warm and happy friendship day and speedy recoveryfor Ishita.
hey happy friendship day to you too :)..belated though :D
@ Kavita,
Screenage scribbler
BK Chowla
A very happy friendship day to all of you. Thanks for writing in.
To you too,Aparna! Its been a pleasure knowing as a friend :)
Happy Friendship Day...today and for always..!! :)
Nice Blog... Happy friendship day to you too ... with care...
I am a bit late...Very very happy friendship day to you too, Aparna! I too had good friends like yours, when I was in Hosur. I miss them a lot.
Best wishes to all of you, friends! God bless you!
Oh thats so sweet aparna...happy friendship's day to you too dearie..
Haapie Frandsheps! yeah I know. my fnds are my lifeline too. :)
Happy Friendship Day.
Happy Friendship day, Aparan, even though late by a day. But then, every day we celebrate good friends, right?
Hi Aparna
I had a similar experience many years ago when I had to leave my little kids with friends for a whole week during an unavoidable emergency. Friends certainly form an essential & important part of our lives.Friends in need are friends indeed.
Happy Friendship Day.Have a great Day! Ram
it's great that i reached ur blog while surfing the blogosphere. a very happy friendship day (belated) to u too..
Wish you a Happy Friendship Day.
I liked your post very much.Its very nice and lovely.Friends are the precious gift of our life.
Belated Happy Friendship Day.Thanks for being a friend.....
Happy belated Friendship Day!
A very happy belated Friendship Day Aparna!
Lovely post - what would we do without our close friends? They are, indeed, a treasure. We should let them know that, every day of the year, not just on Friendship Day.
You too, take care and God bless. :)
happy friendships day to u too :)
thanks and wish u the same! :)
u shd read this post of mine titled friendship!
sorry Aparna...I have not been regular nowadays but your post made me wish u ---"Happy belated friendship day":)
I know m late but happy friendship day :)
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